Schattner Isaac
links to websites:
- פרופ׳ יצחק שטנר | heb
גלעד זיכרון לגיאוגרפים ישרלאיים - Pioneering Urban Geography: Haifa According To Isaac Schattner
Author: Yoram Bar-Gal
Horizons in Geography, 1992
Selected bibliography:
Selected Publications
- Geomorphology of the Northern Coast of Israel
Author: Isaac Schattner
Geografiska Annaler: Physical Geography, 1967 - The Meanders of the Jordan | heb
Author: Isaac Schattner
Bulletin of the Israel Exploration Society vol. 4, 1956. - The Load of the Lower Jordan | heb
Author: Isaac Schattner
Bulletin of the Israel Exploration Society vol. 23,1957. - Die Karte des Zentral-Negev (Israel) und der angrenzenden Gebiete | ger
Authors: Isaac Schattner & Marianne Karmon
Erdkunde, Bd. 18, 1964. - Haifa: A Study in the Relation of City and Coast
Author: Isaac Schattner
Israel Exploration Journal, 1954.