About the Chair
The chair serves as a framework for the advancement of academic studies that deal with the history of the research of the knowledge of Land of Israel (‘Yediath Ha’Aretz’) and its archaeology.
In addition, it will publish and disseminate research carried out by the Chair faculty to the non-academic Land of Israel lovers in the general public.
The Chair will make this field accessible to as many researchers and interested members of the public as possible, through a website that will offer them an unprecedented online database on the history of research, from its earliest days to the present. Additionally, the Chair will support the research of the history of the knowledge of Land of Israel and its archaeology. The activities will include an annual conference addressing these themes, grants for graduate students, as well as publications in this field.
Email: thevilnaychair@gmail.com

Dr. Hayah Katz - Acting Chair
Hayah Katz is a senior lecturer of Iron Age archaeology at the Department of Land of Israel Studies in Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee. Her research focus is the history of archaeological research in the Land of Israel from the 1920s until modern times. In a desire to develop this field she founded a Chair named after Zev Vilnay in the Department of the Land of Israel Studies. In addition, she is director of the Meron Ridges Project and the Tel Rosh excavations, focusing on a comprehensive study of settlement processes in the Upper Galilee region during the first millennium BCE.

Silvia Krapiwko – Content Editor
Silvia Krapiwko is an archaeologist and archivist. She has extensive experience in the field of conservation and management of tangible and intangible cultural heritage. Among the diverse roles she has held over the years she has been also the head of the archive of the Israel Antiquities Authority.In this framework she led the digitization project of the Archaeological British Mandate Archive.
Steering committee:
Prof. Alon Kadish
Dr. Ido Koch
Dr. Reuven Gafni
Dr. Hayah Katz