Rothenberg Beno
1914 – 2012
links to websites:
- Professor Beno Rothenberg 1914-2012
Author: Erez Ben-Yosef - Professor Rothenberg Obituary
UCL - heb | אינדיאנה ג’ונס הגרסה הייקית
מחברת: דליה קרפל
עתון הארץ, 18 באפריל, 2012 - בנו רותנברג (1914 – 2012)
אוסף מיתר
Selected bibliography:
Selected video:
- The Journey to the Land of Canaan 41 Minutes, 1979 | 18:55m | heb
The Israeli Film Service Collection
Selected Publications
- Early Evidence for Steelmaking in the Judaic Sources
Authors: Dan Levene & Beno Rothenberg
The Jewish Quarterly Review, Vol. 92, No 1-2. 2001. - Were these King Solomon’s mines? : excavations in the Timna Valley
Author: Beno Rothenberg - Word-Smithing: Some Metallurgical Terms in Hebrew and Aramaic
Authors: Dan Levene & Beno Rothenberg
Aramaic Studies 2.2. - Chalcolithic Copper Smelting –Excavations at Timna Site 39
Author: Beno Rothenberg - An archaeological Passover Haggadah
Editor: Beno Rothenberg - An Early Islamic Gold-Mining Industry in Wadi Tawahin in the Southern ʿArabah
Authors: C. Tim Shaw & Beno Rothenberg
Israel Exploration Journal, Vol. 50, No.3-4