Baramki Dimitri Constantine
1909 -1984
Selected Publications:
- Dimitri Baramki: Discovering Qasr Hisham
Author: Donald Whitcomb - Palestinian Christians in the Mandate Department of Antiquities: History and Archaeology in a Colonial Space
Author: Sarah Irving
European Cultural Diplomacy and Arab Christians in Palestine, 1918–1948 - Tales of Tiles: Shifting Narratives of a Museum’s Islamic Artifacts.
Open Edition Journals - An early Christian Church at Khirbat ‘Asida
Authors: D. Baramki and M. Avi-Yonah Guide to the Umayyad Palace at Khirbat al Mafjar
Author: Dimitri Baramki
Government of Palestine, Dept. of Antiquities, 1947.- The road to Petra – a short illustrated guide to Transjordan