Sukenik Eleazar Lipa
links to websites:
- The Dead Sea Scrolls |The Center Zionist Archives
- Eliezer Sukenik | Israeli archaeologist | Britannica
- August 12: Eleazar Sukenik and the Dead Sea Scrolls | Jewish Currents
- MyHeritage | heb
- Eleazar Sukenik files – Israel State Archives
- פרופ’ אלעזר ליפא סוקניק – החוג לארכאולוגיה והמזרח הקרוב הקדום- הפקולטה למדעי הרוח | heb
- Profesor Eleazar Sukenik- In Memoriam
- Review: Sukenik’s Ancient Synagogues. Reviewed Works: The Ancient Synagogue of Beth Alpha by Eleazar L. Sukenik; Ancient Synagogues in Palestine and Greece.
Author : Paul Romanoff
Selected bibliography:
link to videos :
Selected Publications
American Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 51, No. 4. 1947, pp. 351-365
Author: E.L.Sukenik - A New Section of the Third Wall, Jerusalem
Authors: E. L. Sukenik & L. A. Mayer
Palestine Exploration Quarterly, 76:1, 1944. - Inscribed Hebrew and Aramaic Potsherds from Samaria
Author: E. L. Sukenik
Palestine Exploration Quarterly,65:3 1933. - On the Beginning of the Dura Synagogue Inscription
Author: E. L. Sukenik
The Jewish Quarterly Review, New Series, Vol. 30, No. 1. 1939 - Some Unpublished Coins of Aelia Capitolina
Author: E. L. Sukenik
The Jewish Quarterly Review, Vol. 38, No. 2, 1947. The City of Philoteria
Author: Eleazar Sukenik
Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society Vol.I, 1920-1921.