Naveh Joseph
links to websites:
- Professor Joseph Naveh: Epigraphic Reminiscences
Rollston Epigraphy - Prof. Joseph Naveh
The Institute of Archaeology - Joseph Naveh (1928–2011)
Biblical Archaeology Society - Obituary – Professor Joseph Naveh
Author: Shaul Shaked
Selected bibliography:
Selected Publications
- Early History of the Alphabet- An Introduction to West Semitic Epigraphy and Paleography
Author: Joseph Naveh - The development of the Aramaic script
Author: Joseph Naveh - Amulets and Magic Bowls – Aramaic Incantations of Late Antiquity
Author: Joseph Naveh & Shaul Shaked - Hazael’s Booty Inscriptions
Authors: Joseph Naveh & Israel E’phal
Israel Exploration Journal, Vol. 39, No. ¾. - Word Division in West Semitic Writing
Author: Joseph Naveh
Israel Exploration Journal , 1973. - A Palaeographic Note on the Distribution of the Hebrew Script
Author: Joseph Naveh
The Harvard Theological Review, Jan., 1968. - An Aramaic Stele Fragment from Tel Dan
Author: Avraham Biran & Joseph Naveh
Israel Exploration Journal no.43.