Mayer Leo Aryeh
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Selected bibliography:
Selected Publications
- Saracenic Heraldry
Author: L.A.Mayer - A hoard of Mamluk coins
Author: L.A.Mayer
Quarterly Of the Department of Antiquities In Palestine Vol.3 - Arabic Incriptions of Gaza
Author: L.A.Mayer - Le Blason de L’Amir Salâr
Author: L.A.Mayer - רשימת מחקרים על מטבעות היהודים
מחבר: ליאו אריה מאיר - A propos du Blason sous les Mamluks Circassiens
Author: L.A.Mayer
Syria. Archaeologie, Art et Historie, 1937. - Three Ancient Jewish Reliefs
Authors: L.A.Mayer & A. Reifenberg
Palestine Exploration Quarterly 1937 - As-Sinnabra
Author: L.A.Mayer
Israel Exploration Journal, Vol. 2, No. 3, 1952. - Islamic Glassmakers and their Works
Authors: L.A.Mayer
Israel Exploration Journal, Vol. 4, No. ¾, 1954.