Tufnell Olga
Selected Publications
- Olga Tufnell’s ‘Perfect Journey’
Letters and photographs of an archaeologist in the Levant and Mediterranean Edited and introduced
Author: John D.M. Green and Ros Henry Reminiscences of a ‘Petrie Pup’
Author: Olga Tufnell
Palestine Exploration Quarterly, 114:2, 1982.Hazor, Samaria and Lachish: A Synthesi
Author: Olga Tufnell
Palestine Exploration Quarterly, 91:2, 1959.Excavations at Tell Ed-Duweir, Palestine, Directed by the Late J. L. Starkey, 1932–1938.
Author: Olga Tufnell
Palestine Exploration Quarterly, 82:2, 1950.The Wellcome-Marston Excavations At Lachish, Palestine
Author: Olga Tufnell
Nature no.6, 1944.Society Seal Impressions from Kahûn Town and Uronarti Fort: A Comparison Author
Author: Olga Tufnell
The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, Vol. 61,1975.Lachish IV (Tell Ed-Duweir)
Author: Olga Tufnell
The Trustees of the Late Sir Henry Wellcome, 1958.“Hyksos” Scarabs from Canaan
Author: Olga Tufnell
Anatolian Studies, Vol. 6, Special Number in Honour and in Memory of Professor John Garstang, 1956.